Culture of Life
The Knights of Columbus supports policies that promote a Culture of Life and opposes legislative efforts that promote abortion, contraception, sterilization, cloning, the destruction of embryos, assisted suicide, euthanasia, unjust war, and the death penalty when there is an acceptable alternative.
Friday - January 19, 2024 - Annual March for Life in Washington, DC....
2024 March for Life Rally in DCBy: Ed Strach - Fri, Jan 19, 2024 6:12 PMThe 51st Annual March for Life Rally took place on January 19th in Washington D.C. This is the biggest and most important pro-life event of the year, and the Michigan State Council was well representedwith the leadership of State Deputy Christopher Kolomjec, and the State Board.
This year, the theme of the event was "With every woman, for every child." The emphasis was on taking care of both the mom and the baby during pregnancy and beyond.
Speakers at the rally included members of Congress, and even University of Michigan Head Football Coach Jim Harbaugh. Fresh off of his first national championship, Coach Harbaugh encouraged everyone to keep fighting until abortion is "unthinkable." Coach Harbaugh stated, "This is a great day for a march. It's a great day for the sanctity of Life, and football weather. Let's make it a great day!"
The Knights of Columbus have been supporting the March for Life since 1974. We are proud to be partners in this important cause!
Ed Strach
State Life Director
MIchigan State Council
2024 March for Life Rally in DCBy: Ed Strach - Fri, Jan 19, 2024 6:12 PMThe 51st Annual March for Life Rally took place on January 19th in Washington D.C. This is the biggest and most important pro-life event of the year, and the Michigan State Council was well representedwith the leadership of State Deputy Christopher Kolomjec, and the State Board.
This year, the theme of the event was "With every woman, for every child." The emphasis was on taking care of both the mom and the baby during pregnancy and beyond.
Speakers at the rally included members of Congress, and even University of Michigan Head Football Coach Jim Harbaugh. Fresh off of his first national championship, Coach Harbaugh encouraged everyone to keep fighting until abortion is "unthinkable." Coach Harbaugh stated, "This is a great day for a march. It's a great day for the sanctity of Life, and football weather. Let's make it a great day!"
The Knights of Columbus have been supporting the March for Life since 1974. We are proud to be partners in this important cause!
Ed Strach
State Life Director
MIchigan State Council
Thursday - April 5, 2018 - Msgr Kern Council was proud to be a table sponsor at the 40th annual Respect Life Banquet tonight at Burton Manor in Livonia. The Michigan State Council of the Knights of Columbus sponsors this event every year and it is always well attended. Michigan State Deputy Ken Unterbrink presented Right to Life of Michigan and President Barbara Listing with a check for $10,000 (see photo below). Attending on behalf of our council were Grand Knight Mike Goodhart and his wife Theresa, District Deputy / PGK Hans Hansen, Financial Secretary Mike Riley and his wife Cinda, Culture of Life Chairman George Peters and his wife Jan, Membership Director / PGK Bill Simmerer and his wife Sue, Chancellor / PGK Ed Harkins and his wife Mary Ann, and St. Thomas a'Becket Pro-Life Committee member Nancy Austin. The keynote speaker was Melissa Ohden, and her testimony of being an abortion survivor and now a strong pro-life advocate was extremely moving. (Click on any picture for a larger view.)
Monday - March 19, 2018 - Msgr Kern Council participated in the financial support of and dedication of yet another ultrasound machine for a pregnancy center here in Michigan. This one was at Pregnancy Services of Greater Lansing. This is the 46th ultrasound machine financed by the Michigan Knights of Columbus since 2009! Michigan leads the nation in K of C supported ultrasound machine placements and that's something we can be very proud of! This machine will do its job in saving very many lives! Grand Knight Mike Goodhart represented Kern Council at the dedication this past weekend.
Friday - March 9, 2018 - Msgr Kern Council will be conducting a special prayer for the Unborn at St. Thomas a'Becket church in Canton, MI on Monday April 9th at 7:00pm. Please come join us in prayer and help us speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Friday - April 28, 2017 - Scenes from the 39th annual Respect Life Banquet last night at Burton Manor in Livonia... This fundraising event is sponsored every year by the Michigan State Council of the Knights of Columbus. Msgr. Kern Council #8284 was well represented and recognized as a table sponsor again this year. (Click on any picture for a larger view.)
Thursday, April 10, 2014 - Msgr. Kern Council #8284 of the Knights of Columbus was well represented at the 2014 Respect Life Banquet. Michigan State Deputy, Michael Malinowski, presented Right to Life of Michigan a check for $10,000 in support of their pro-life efforts.